Kinara Park Kids® exists because BLACK LIVES MATTER!
Verbatim by Noni
Black is the color of passion and courage,
Ecstasy, grace, drive, force, forgiveness,
Laughter, righteous judgment, vindication,
Anointing, time, endurance, achievement,
Movement and peace.
It is the color of likeness and love
It corrects and restores
It embraces and holds all things in their authenticity
It reproduces strength and agility
It knows kindness and wisdom
It loves to live.
Black is a state of being
Transcending birthrights and inheritance
I surround myself with Black
And I am forever loved.
My husband
My sons
My family
We are
And we are Black.
You've had enough with the "BLACK" and the "LIVES" stuff?
Summer is over so get over it? You just want everything to get back to normal?
My response to that is a Jaime Foxx hand-to-face while you play the role of Braxton P. Hartnabrig... or you feel what it's like to be the other guy in a Roy Jones Jr. highlight video or a Dragon Fly Jones roundhouse. WAKE UP!
We tried to tell you that the issues that Black / African-American people deal with take just one (1) decade to move into other communities. That simply means that those things that went ignored and swept under the rug are very present now in your own home, in your own family, in your own community. Black lives have always mattered. Let that settle.
Ultimately, we all [need to] care how this "BLACK LIVES" thing works out. The time is now to address this swiftly and with finality. Soooo.... Dear allies: Talk to your people. Dear abolitionists: Come out. Come out, wherever you are! Everybody engage. We must get this right.
*Special Thanks to all of you truth-tellers. Continue to speak truth to power. We in it! #BLM #WhatMatters2020 #TeachTruth